The Avion Players Drama Group has had a long history of community theatre in Gander. Formed in 1953...
The Carol Players drama group was formed in Labrador West in 1964. It’s been an active member of the...
Mokami Players is an adult community theatre group for people interested in all aspects of...
Northcliffe Drama Club of Grand Falls-Windsor is a community theatre company that has been promoting...
Based in Labrador west, the Northern Lights Theatre group is a...
Since 2002, the Off-Broadway Players community theatre company has entertained an array of audiences...
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In 1987, School Zone Productions started as an extension of the Holy Spirit School Drama Club in C.B.S. by..
Avion Players - Appropriate by Brandon Jacobs-Jenkins. Directed by Nick Mercer and Lynn Sooley
School Zone Productions - IWA - The Loggers Strike of 1959 by Rick Salutin. Directed by Fabian O’Keefe
Northcliffe Drama Club - Brass Rubbings by Gordon Pinsent Directed by Melinda Anthony